Ron Skinner

Ron Skinner Declaration of Candidacy

My name is Ron Skinner. I have been honored to be on the Monticello City Council for the past four years. Grateful for the opportunity to serve, I have worked hard to always vote for the best interests of Monticello and its Citizens. Being on council hasn't always been easy, in fact there have been some very difficult issues we have had to deal with int eh past few years. I am seeking a 2nd term of office with the hope that I can be of service to you, bring your concerns to the council, and help in completing some important City projects that have neen in limbo for years. These include the Spring Creek Water Project and building and ADA accessible playground. As a retired police officer and Veteran, I have learned to rely both on myself and to work with others to accomplish any worthwhile goal. We need to look ahead and prepare. I am excited to have Monticello move forward, reaching new levels of independence. I am not a politician but a public servant and desire to reflect the values of our community as a City Council member. I humbly ask for your vote on November 21.Â