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Phone Numbers
Emergencies: Dial 911
17 N 100 E

Monday - Thursday
8:00am - 4:30pm
8:00 am - 12:00 pm

Building and Zoning


A building permit must be obtained from the Building Official before beginning construction. Investigation fees are charged in addition to the permit fees if work is started before obtaining a permit. The investigation fee shall equal the permit fees set by the Monticello City Consolidated Fee Schedule. Building permits are required for all new construction, before moving a trailer or pre-built home onto a lot, and for any addition, remodeling, or demolition.


      1. When an application is submitted for a building permit, the following steps are required:

  • A complete set of plans, drawn to scale, must be submitted to the Building Official for review.
  • See the Plan Requirements sheet for a detailed list of plan requirements.
  •  In most cases, plans for single-family residences do not have to be drawn up by an architect or engineer. When the scope and design of the home become such that the Building Official deems it necessary, he/she may require, according to the Building Codes, that the plans be designed, drawn, and stamped by a Utah Licensed Architect or Engineer.

2. Legal description and county property tax parcel number (this may be located on your tax notice)

3. The permit application must be filled out completely and signed by the owner or agent.

  •  List all contractors and sub-contractors being hired to perform work on the project, including:
  • A copy of the Utah Contractor license indicating the name of the company or license holder, the license number, trades for which the license is issued, and the expiration date of the license.
  • The current address, phone number, and email address of the contractor or subcontractor.
  • Monticello City requires that before obtaining a building permit, the applicant must have the property on which the structure will be located deeded in their name and recorded in the San Juan County Recorder’s Office. (In lieu of this requirement, we will accept a notarized statement signed by the legal owner or owners of the property, giving their permission for the structure to be built on the property).

4. It is highly recommended that the owner also keep a copy for their records: 

  • A written and signed bid or estimate for the scope of work to be performed by the General Contractor or Subcontractor, which includes all work to be done by sub-contract and others used by the Contractor.
  •  A written contract with the General Contractor or Subcontractor who is being hired to perform the work on the project before work takes place. This contract should include the parameters for payments and any payment schedules agreed upon by the owner and the parties hired by the owner to perform any work on the project.
  •  A copy of the Contractor or Subcontractor’s liability insurance, which would cover any work done on your project.


According to the Utah Construction Trades Licensing Act, the owner of a single-family residence, intended to be used for his/her personal use and non-commercial, nonprofit use, may act as the contractor and builder on his/her residence. Work performed on the project must be performed by the following:

  • The sole property owner(s); or
  • A licensed contractor; or
  • An employee(s) of the owner for whom the owner has worker’s compensation insurance coverage, and for whom the owner withholds and pays all required payroll taxes, and with respect to whom the owner complies with all other applicable employee/employer laws; or
  • Any other person working under the supervision of an owner/builder to whom no compensation, or only token compensation, is paid; and

The owner must understand that if the owner retains the services of an unlicensed contractor or compensates an unlicensed person, other than token compensation, or other than as an employee for wages, to perform construction services for which a license is required, the owner may be guilty of a class A misdemeanor and may be additionally subject to an administrative fine in the maximum of $2,000 for each day the law is violated. The "Owner Build Certification and Agreement" must be submitted prior to beginning construction.


Planning & Zoning

There are multiple zones in Monticello: Residential One (R-1), Residential Two (R-2), Agricultural (A-1), Commercial 1 (C-1), Commercial 2 (C-2), Industrial (I-1), and Government (G-1). Different zones within the city have specific permitted uses.

These uses can be found in Title 10 (of the Monticello City Code). The intent for each zone is as follows:

  • R-1 Residential Zone has been established for the purpose of providing a place where single-family detached dwellings may be constructed, having attractively landscaped yards and a favorable environment for family life. Uses such as multiple-family dwellings, apartment houses, and commercial and industrial uses are not permitted in this zone. (Ord. 2012-01, 7-10-2012)
  • R-2 Residential Zone has been established for the purpose of providing a place where single-, two-, and multiple-family dwellings may be constructed. (Ord. 2012-01, 7-10-2012)
  • A-1 Agricultural Zone covers certain fringe areas of the city where residential areas may be integrated with the raising of livestock for family food production and for the pleasure of the people who reside on the premises. (Ord. 2012-01, 7-10-2012)
  • C-1 Commercial Zone is to provide a centralized place where retail and service uses may be constructed and maintained which will serve the needs of the citizens of the city and surrounding areas. It is the further intent in establishing this zone to maintain the central business district as the "Heart of the City" and, to these ends, to promote its development in step with the increase in population within the trading area. Uses which tend to create business dead spots, cause undue scattering of business, and generally tend to thwart the use of the land for its primary purpose have been excluded from this zone. (Ord. 2012-01, 7-10-2012)
  • C-2 Light Commercial Zone is to provide a place where small-scale fabrication, repair services, offices, and limited commercial uses may be constructed and maintained which will serve the needs of the citizens of the city and surrounding areas. It is the further intent in establishing this zone to maintain a buffer between C-1, R-1, and R-2 zones to promote its development in step with the increase in population within the trading area.
  • I-1 Industrial Zone is designed to provide a place for the operation of industry in a location where impacts on residential areas are minimized. (Ord. 2012-01, 7-10-2012)
  • G-1 Government Land is unavailable for private development. (Ord. 2009-19, 6-23-2009)

To find out which zone you reside in, refer to the Zoning map, or if you have questions regarding the Zoning Ordinance, Building Parameters & Setbacks, refer to the City Code Zoning Ordinance/Building Parameters & Setbacks. City Code Zoning Ordinance/Building Parameters & Setbacks.

If you reside within a zone that does not permit a use you would like, you may file a Zone Change Application with the Building Official to present to the Planning & Zoning Commission. The Commission will review the application and make a recommendation to the City Council. The City Council will review and vote on the application. (Link to Zone Change Application)

Questions or concerns regarding Building Permits or Zoning questions can be directed to the Building Official Megan Gallegos.